Json isn't saving to database text field

Hi mates!

I’m newbie using bubble. I’m making an app that saves data as a JSON and I want to save that json as a plain text in a field of my database, I have already Setup my RunScript and my JavascripttoBubble elements

The code is this

let dataParsed = JSON.stringify(documentData);

// Convertir el objeto a formato JSON y enviarlo a make
let call = async function() {
    await fetch("URL", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        body: JSON.stringify(documentData)

// Ejecutar la función
    .then(() => console.log("Petición enviada exitosamente"))
    .catch(error => console.error("Error al enviar la petición:", error));

And when I try to update my thing with my JSON that field is always empty even when the debbugger and the console log shows the json as text.

Am I missing somenthing?

Hope you can help me :frowning: thanks in advance!

what does the debugger show as the value of the json to bubble element?

does your create new doc function work well?


The debbuger show this:


Yeah I’ve tried with other fields like “accionSeguir1” as the photo shows and that fields fills correctly :confused:

Did you try to replace the json code with a random string like “x”? I want to be sure if it’s about the json or something else

yes if I try with a string it works hahaha thats weird :confused:

Can you share the json output please?

@gameclips.md changr your workflow series for saving the output. Instead of it being a step in the series that also includes the run JavaScript, have the action to save the data be from a trigger of Bubble JS event is triggered.


This. OP, other actions in the workflow will not wait for the final result of your Run Javascript action’s code. The J2B element will always have a value, in this case a null or blank value, in regards to how it interacts with other actions. A plugin’s result is a state after all.

Use the J2B event as advised.

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Yeah I’ve tried using J2B event and it finally works!


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