JSON Post Body Deleting

I am trying to add the body of POST JSON API. But whenever I click on the text box to add the body, it shifts and disappears. I have updated the version to the most recent, dropped back to the previous version, then back to the new one. Nother like that worked. If it helps, I am using Chrome.

I get to this point:

Then try to click into the body section, then this:

Has this happened to anyone else? Any ideas for what to do?

It shouldn’t be doing that. I’d raise a bug report on the broken API call, and create a fresh call. Maybe have to create a new call group. If it still fails, does it work on a fresh new app?

It did the exact same thing in a new app. I will submit a bug report.

Please test without browser extensions, they can break the UI sometime.

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That worked!