Let Users sign up with the same email-adress

Hi there,

I have the problem that if a the checkout (for any reason) is not finished the user will be signed in but with the satus is “not_activated”. That means he has an account but cannot log in because he didnt pay. But now because he has an account it is not possible for him to sign up a second time and go through checkout because there is an error which says “email already in use”.

I did stripe subscription so it is possible for users to cancel their subscription. But I still want them to sign up again in the future. But if they already have an account it is not possible with the same email adress.

So what should I do: Should I make a workflow that delets users if their status is “not_activated” or “cancelled”? Or is there a setting which allows users to sign up twice with the same email adresse?

Thanks for any help!

Can’t you just send confirmation email again?

What exactly do you mean?

How is your sign-up process configured?
When user sign-ups - do you send confirmation email? Or do you just create a new user and that’s all?

It is within the checkout prcess. They put in the user information and then they are signed up and sent to the checkout to pay.

So, when they signed up - do you send a confirmation email for them?

You can set up a detection for when the user signs up with an email that already exists.

You can then end a reset password email or direct the user to another popup.


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