List Shifter: Reverse, Rotate, Swap and ITERATE (Loop) Over Bubble Lists | Now Part of Floppy

@keith thanks for the details. Always eye opening.

Before I get testing on this, have you ever run a test to see if they are ordered in any way, such as the order in which they were created in the editor?

Something I found out recently about popups through a Bug report is that the first popup to be created can have a second popup created afterward appear on top (the expectation when you have one popup open and run a workflow to show another).

It was strange to me, but the explanation from support led me to copy the first created, then delete, then paste in a the issue was resolved (issue being that the second popup was getting shown behind the grey out of the first popup displayed, which was in fact the second popup created in the editor)

Because of that, and the way tabbing had been an issue for so long, I have a hunch that the first list shifter added to the page in the editor, would be the first Bubble would initialize and load the data for, all other things being equal.

Hey @boston85719: This is actually a really interesting question. But note that the answer (with respect to List Shifter) is complicated because of the fact that it loads Lists (any element that loads lists will also function similarly to what I describe below).

I did a little (actually a lot) of experimentation to determine the following:

So, first: When does a plugin element’s initialization function run? How is the order of this determined?

A plugin element’s initialization function starts when it first becomes visible on the page. (We know this from the plugin API docs and also by experience.)

But when that happens is determined by the element’s order in the DOM (the Document Object Model - the structure of that page that you can see in the Elements view in your dev tools).

It seems that the Bubble Editor pretty much structures the DOM in order of element creation. So, yeah, basically, “older” plugin elements will start initializing before newer ones.

Let’s say you put three List Shifters on your page, LS1, LS2, and LS3, in that order, at the same page level (for example, directly on the page), they will run their initialize functions in that order.

And, as a result, they will start their update functions in that order. But their update functions will not necessarily complete in that order.

How can we change these elements’ order in the DOM?

Now, here’s something interesting: Moving the elements around on the editor canvas doesn’t change their positions in the DOM. (Like, moving LS1 to the right of LS3 or moving it visually “above” LS3 doesn’t change LS1’s order in the DOM (its position on the canvas changes, but not where it lives in the DOM).

If we cut and paste one of those List Shifter elements, we essentially create a new element and that element’s DOM order will be lower than the ones we previously created and so it will initialize after them (e.g., we could cut LS1 and paste it and now the init order will be LS2, LS3, LS1). But of course, this will destroy any workflows using LS1 and cause other mayhem (should anything else refer to it).

However, there is a non-destructive way to change an element’s order in the DOM: If we do something like create a new group (so we have a newer element, which will have a lower position in the DOM), if we drag LS1 inside of that, now what will happen is the initialization functions will run in the order LS2, LS3, LS1 (and, indeed, if you inspect preview page using the Element view, you will see that the order of the elements in the DOM is LS2, LS3, and then LS1 further down inside of that new group). And doing this doesn’t break any references to LS1. Hooray!

So that all makes sense when you think about it, but it’s surprising when you actually first look into it!

Another thing we could do: We could completely control when a plugin element starts initializing and subsequently updating by setting it to NOT be visible on page load, but then setting it to visible based on some other event. (More on this at the end of this reply.)

QUICK EXPLAINER about initialize and update: In element plugins, we have a function initialize() that gets executed, as I said, just once, when the element becomes visible on the page. Once that is complete, Bubble calls the element’s update() function.

Initialize() is where we do things like, if the plugin is a visual element, we would set up our canvas (the visible part of the element), we might initialize certain variables, etc. Now, my plugins don’t usually have a visual element so they just have an empty canvas, but I also define all of the functions that my plugin needs in initialize and I also define all my defaults for things here and I put all this stuff on to the object called instance that Bubble functions can pass around. (Basically inside my initialize function there is a wrapper function, inside of which I define all my functions and stuff. Then, I run that function, which (handwave) basically compiles all my code.)

This initialize routine executes in a VERY short amount of time. (On my machine, the initialize function for List Shifter completes in somewhere between 0 and 1 ms.) Then Bubble calls the plugin’s update() function. The update function is where we read the fields defined in the main plugin interface. And, unless we do some clever scripting to prevent it (and there’s not much reason to do this, by the way), anytime that the field values change, the update() function gets called again.

What we do in the update function is read the values of the main interface fields and configure our plugin to do… well… whatever the plugin does. So, in my plugins, I read all your settings and (handwave) do whatever stuff needs to be done as a result.

At the very end of that function, I set a property called “initialized” to true, publish that to the plugin’s “Initialized” exposed state, and then trigger an “Initialized” event (sometimes I call that event “Initialized/Updated” because the event triggers on the first update as well as subsequent updates).

So, List Shifter’s Initialize/Updated event means that (1) not only has the initialize() function run, but (2) the update() function has also completed, and now we’re ready to fire Actions at the element. (This is true of all of my element plugins that have Actions.)


Now, you might think that, because JavaScript is single-threaded and the update() function is just a normal, run-of-the-mill synchronous JavaScript function, that our update routines will always complete in sequence.

However, there’s one complexity: If any of our fields are Lists or other types of objects (like Things) and we need to fetch them, Bubble will in most cases have to go to the database to get them (unless something else happens to have already fetched the same data). And what happens is that Bubble asynchronously begins fetching the requested data. This data comes down in chunks and Bubble will actually interrupt the update() function until all of our requested data is loaded. (So literally what happens is that our function gets called multiple times and subsequently interrupted, until the data loading is complete. If you’re interested, you can learn more about that in the Bubble docs here.

The net-net of this is that let’s say that LS1 is loading a big ol’ honkin’ list of data (like, a Search whose results are 1000 Things). If LS3 is just loading a tiny list, LS3 may easily complete its update() function well in advance of LS1, and maybe even in advance of LS2.

So: The elements’ initialize() functions are sequential and an element earlier (higher up) in the DOM will start and end that function before one later (lower down) in the DOM, but those events are not separated by very much time in most cases.

And while the update() functions will start executing in the same order, depending upon what the plugin does, those functions may finish in a different sequence.

So, we could imagine a case where we’ve got several (maybe many) List Shifters on our page and most of them are loading little things (maybe just a scalar value or a small list that you’re using to feed the headers in a table or something), but one of them is going to do a big-long search.

Let’s say that big-ass search is being done by LS1 (doesn’t matter where it lives in the DOM). We could it to be invisible on page load and then make it visible once all the other LS’s have gone to Initialized. (e.g., workflow trigger “LS2’s Initialized and LS3’s Initialized and LS4’s initialized” → show element LS1)

While I don’t think that this will result in LS1 becoming fully populated any sooner (in fact, that’s sort of impossible), it might make for a better UX as all of the things that depend on the “lightweight” List Shifters will be happy. You could test the difference between these scenarios using Debug Buddy to benchmark the time it takes for LS1 to reach the Initialized state in both scenarios.


Thank you again @keith for the further insight. That actually helps me out a lot in understanding more about the initialized state on the list shifter element, as in the past I had struggled a bit with dependencies between different list shifter element’s on the page.

Cool. BTW, chaining List Shifters together (or just using List Shifter to watch some other an expression for changes) is one of the most useful applications for List Shifter.

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Hi @keith , thank you for all your explanations. Your inputs really helped us a lot. :smiley:

I have a followup question. Here’s my scenario.

I have a Customer thing and a Booking Request thing. Both things have fields: first name, last name, birthday and another field that has ”fullname and bday STRING”

The flow is, customers can request for a Booking without actually making a customer record. But once the admin accepts the booking request, that is the only time that booking is converted to a customer thing. But before creating a customer record, the system checks for possible duplicate of that customer.

So I need to have duplicate checker (considering some typographical errors upon booking requests, or some users not inputting their whole/full name (i.e. inputting John Smith, but the full name is John Arnold Smith).

My initial plan is to use list shifter to get all the customers then sort them based on string similarity (

I’m not sure if this is the quickest and most efficient approach, but can I do that in list shifter?

You’re kind of on the wrong track and you don’t need to do what you’re proposing. I’ve seen your other posts in the forum.

You should just let anybody request a booking. They don’t need to be Users (capital U) of your app to request a booking.

Just let them request a booking.

If you insist on making (booking) users of your app have accounts, then just do that up front. Then you can uniquely identify them. (Because they will be uniquely identified by their email or login method.)

Yes, anybody can request a booking. Customer thing is not a User thing. It’s just a record of every client that already booked so we can track each client and check all bookings in client’s profile page. However, a customer record cannot have duplicates for our use case. That’s where duplicate checking comes in.

Hello! I’m having trouble implementing the plugin. My task is simple: move the elements in the repeating group up and down. In the figure, I depicted the algorithm that I am trying to implement. But I have a problem: it works every other time. What do you think is the best way to do this task?

So @rshatskiy the issue you’re having is that, in List Shifter, the “shift” operations like Shift Item are asynchronous. That’s by design, BTW. I’m mobile at the moment, so cannot recall if Shift Up/Down triggers a “shift complete” event (but I don’t think it does).

The design intent is NOT to support doing a database operation after any of the shift functions, but to do them in the page and then save/submit when the user is finished messing around (via a save/commit button press or similar).

If you want a synchronous version of this functionality, check out my new Floppy plugin, where these operations ARE synchronous. (By design.)

That last post reminds me: Avid users of List Shifter will likely be interested in my new commercial plugin, Floppy, which offers synchronous versions of List Shifter’s “shift” actions, and much more.

Forthcoming videos will explain and explore some of the key differences between Floppy and List Shifter. While they have some overlapping functionality, they have rather different design intents and different approaches to accomplishing some of the same things. Check it out here:

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@keith thank you very much for the answer! Now I’m trying to implement this task in your new floppy plugin. I figured out how to put the list I need in localstorage. Do I understand correctly that I should use the action SHIFT: Move RAM List Item Floppy? In order for me to shift the value down, do I need to specify the current index and index +1? The problem is that I can’t change the order of items in localstorage. Could you briefly describe the algorithm for solving the problem of moving list items in the new plugin?

Hey @rshatskiy! So, in short, just Set the RAM List values to be Floppy’s List (Storage). Then do whatever Shift functions you want on the RAM List. At the end of that, store the value in storage ( note the yes/no field at the bottom of all the Shift actions that let you take the updated RAM List value and immediately write it to storage… though you could also execute a Store operation separately. There’s no real big difference).

BYW, the general idea here is that you would assemble whatever list you want to Store in the RAM List and then Store it. That’s what it’s there for, but I haven’t demonstrated that as yet in a video. Thanks for using Floppy!

I should add, as the docs state, the Shift functions are synchronous, so you can execute them one after another and know that the updated values at the RAM List output are available in the next workflow step.

Could someone kindly point me to a video/part of thread that would help me use List Shifter in it’s most basic form, simply to sort the rows of an RG simply by clicking the header? I’ve read a lot and played with LS but can’t get there. I need a high level overview of how to do it… do I put one KW List shifter element on the page for each column that I want to sort? Or with 1 element can I sort the whole table, see screenshot…

today my list shifter just stop working. yes it only works with debug buddy in workflow. yes i put debug in one workflow and listshifter works on all workflows that use it.

Hey @rwhibbey - I’m not sure what your question is, but I don’t see any issues with List Shifter in general at the moment.

Version 1.10.0 - published January of this year is still the most recent update.

(BTW, for anyone wondering: List Shifter is basically stable and feature complete at this point. There will probably be one more minor update to List Shifter to head off any odd client-side API changes that Bubble might make in future, but I wouldn’t expect any significant feature additions to List Shifter.

Currently and going forward, all of my new work on list-oriented type plugins is in my new Floppy plugin. )

Stupid question: List Shifter doesn’t do lazy loading, correct?

If you are in regular mode, it does a get() on the entire list.

But in pagination mode, it’s sort of lazy loading — we only get the items for the requested page and there are optional pre-load settings, @rico.trevisan.

Hi @keith

I’m having some issues with list shifter, wondered if you can advise? I have list shifter task to create a “labour planner” thing, which is a data type used to schedule works at my firm. The iteration item is a list of users. If the event is time is longer than 1 day, the List shifter will only create items for the first 2 users, not the the full list.

Originally I had the users in a multiselect dropdown, but when trying to find out the issue, i change the list of users to just a “Search for Users”, it still results in the same.

Are you able to advise at all please? See attached setup.


I’ve been able to resolve this, the list shifter was in a popup which closed after starting the list shifter. I think once the element was hidden it stopped iterating.
I’m struggling to see the “when complete” state but at least it’s creating events. Phew!