Looking for a bubble proficient technical co-founder

Calling all awesome developers!!!

About us
I’ve built a MVP workforce management tool and marketplace for staffing agencies using bubble and am now at the point where I am seeking a Bubble proficient co-founder who is also proficient in traditional coding methods.

About you
Proficient in bubble as well as traditional coding methods and languages.
Happy to be office based in London or Winchester UK
Experience leading tech teams and proficient in agile methods
Most importantly, you align with the mission of the company

What you’ll be doing…
Joining as a co-founder at this stage you can expect to take over the product maintenance and further development from the developers.
Help to define future strategic priorities
Build a team around you as and when the demand requires it
Work with the Founder to prioritise and deliver development objectives

The Company
Is brand new and aiming at bringing efficiencies to the Staffing Agency operating model leveraging tech to reduce friction, cost and human interactions in operations. Saving these businesses vast amounts of time and money and allowing them to operate way more sustainably and lean.

The Money
We do not have a budget right now so this opportunity is equity only for the time being.

I’d love to hear from you if you feel aligned to the mission of the company and have the relevant experience.

The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of marketplaces and SaaS models.

Many thanks,


This offer is not enticing to any developer with an experience. Bare in mind most developers are charging $50-$150 per hour and your really seasoned developers with far more business & marketing knowledge are even more costly per hour.

Being said, it could be enticing for them to work unpaid on someone else’s vision if you fall into any one of these few scenarios.

1: if you have a very large social presence or buyer base that are already MOF/BOF potential buyers.

2: if you have a decent marketing budget between 10k-30k for launch and a 12 mo advertising run rate.

3: If you have extensive organic customer acquisition history with proof of scaling past businesses into the 6-8 figure per year mark with organic only.

If you fall into none of these 3 categories you’re basically asking someone to stop taking on clients that could be paying them their normal rate of $50-$150 to develop a vision of yours without any real shot of growth because of budget/knowledge limitations.

There is no reason a developer wouldn’t just go build their own project/ideas in that scenario and keep 100% of the profit until they find someone who has the funding/knowledge to scale their idea. Typically these won’t be 50/50 splits because the product is already built.


Preach it Chris

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Thanks for the feedback guys, I’ll rethink and repost…