Looking for a freelancer to help with Quickbooks integration

Hi All,

I am looking for a freelancer to help me with Quickbooks API Integration.

My use-case is that I want to call Quickbooks APIs for creating invoices in their system.

I am comfortable using APIs once set up is done, but need help in setting up the Oauth2 etc.


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i am interested
contact me at martin@consultantsfromasia.com

I can help you out with this if you still require. Let me know :slight_smile:

Have a look at @Pathfix, that will solve your oauth issues and then you can create any API call you want :slight_smile: Although I think they have a QB plugin that does most of the invoice CRUD calls

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Thanks for the response. As per my understanding their plugin provides 500 free calls only per month and then I have to upgrade to a reasonably steep plan.

I am already paying Quickbooks and Bubble for my accounts. And I am happy to use APIs after one time integration is solved. I do not see value in having to pay recurrently and permanently for a one time integration task.

Am I missing something?

Iā€™m just giving you an option - whether the option suits you or not is entirely up to you :woman_shrugging:

Right of course. I was wondering if my understanding was incorrect.