Looking for a Visual/UX Designer


I have built the core functionality of my MVP over ~15 pages, I have very much focused on getting the functionality finished and design is not my strongest suit so am now looking for someone to tidy up the design of the app so it can be demoed and tested with real-life users, and so that the principles and styles can be applied as I build further functionality.


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Hi Andy,

I might be able to help, I am a product designer : https://benoit-design.webflow.io/

It might look weird that my portfolio is on webflow but I started using bubble 4 months ago and I love it.

I think it would be better to do some designs outside bubble in a design software and then once you give the go, it could be applied to your app.

If interested, you can reach me at : benoit.devilliers888@gmail.com

Have a nice day,

Hi to everyone who has replied so far - I appreciate it.

I think what would be best is if I write up a more detailed brief and then share with those who look like a good fit so it gives more clarity on the project.

Will try and do that before EOP tomorrow.
