Looking for Bubble Freelancers for my MVP

Hello, I am looking for a way to create my MVP and would like to get quotes from Bubble Freelancers. By MVP I mean I want to have a very simple prototype to show early prospects about how the product could work in the future, but I won’t go into production with it, nor I will charge for using it. Basically I want to know if the prospects would be interested and get feedback.

I am a web designer myself so you don’t need to worry about the look and feel, just worry on the functional part.

Please private message me your hourly rate, and also some samples of your work, detailing how many hours you used and what you accomplished.

If you don’t have projects that you can show, just mention how much time would you need to build from scratch something like instagram or tinder.

Don’t worry once I select a freelancer, I will give him/her a detailed requirement for a custom quote.


**Edit: If you can not follow the instructions in this message point by point, word by word, why would I trust you and send you my project requirements? So if I ignored your message, now you know why. **



I can help you, Please check your PM.


Hello @pitxels ,

We’ll be glad to help you out with this. Check your PM please.

Regards EzCode Team !

I am an experienced developer and would be interested.
You can reach me on andrewjohnson56782@gmail.com
Best Wishes,

Just to remind you, I posted a clear request of how to contact me (PM), and what to include in the message. The fact that there are people calling my phone, my skype, email etc, or sending me an incomplete message or a copy paste template, that tells me you guys either can’t follow instructions, nor have the time to properly take a requirement. I am sad to say nobody here has impress me so far. You guys are in the business of client satisfaction and you are failing from the beginning.

Messaged ya :slight_smile:

Hi, sent you a PM with my profile and some of the apps I have built.

Look forward to hearing from you.

If you can not follow the instructions in my first message point by point, word by word, why would I trust you and send you my project requirements? So if I ignored your message, now you know why.

I feel your pain!! :neutral_face:

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Hi Steve, yes is a bit of a pain, but I am surely a pain of a client as well. But luckily I can report that from around 20 freelancers, ONE was able to reply all the questions I posted after 2 messages.

Sincerely I don’t need a developer to agree with everything I say, I just need he address and reply everything I am asking, that way we can discuss, but if that person just skip details, that doesn’t work for me.



For what you describe, Bubble might be more than you need.

You can quickly build mvp prototypes in Adobe XD (maybe even do it yourself).

If your project goes to the next stage, then maybe you can consider Bubble.

Thanks, I have considered this kind of prototypes as well.