Looking for help with my app, will pay!

Hi, my app is almost complete but it’s missing one thing. I need to be able to append text to my text editor when I click on a repeating filed. Currently it replaces everything in the rich text field with the value. I need it to add and not replace.

Please see the video below for explanation:

Hey there not sure how you currently have it set up but I would probably use states and say something like

When repeating group is clicked
Set state of text editor to (some text state)
States value( (text editors value) (repeating groups value) )

I can help you with this.

Looking forward for the solution on this as well.

Indeed custom state seems to be the easiest way (like kyleforkey wrote):

  1. Setup a custom state

  1. Setup workflow to append the text:

  1. Click, click and click away:



I tried this. But it seems not to work when you start typing on the textarea.

I tried that too and it works:

  1. Set initial content of the richttextinput to the state
  2. Set the workflow to update the state: richttextinput’s value :append “text from your repeating group” item.

(Adding as collab won’t work probably unles you are on a prof plan)