Looking to create a simple stumbleupon site

I am looking to create a site that shows websites at page load and when you price the space bar it shows another site. Does anyone know the workflow to do for the HTML box iframe to do this? Thanks!

You can use the AirKeyboardShortcut plugin and attach a workflow to the trigger. In the example below I added the shortcut element to the page and it sets a state in the page

You can modify the steps to display data in the iframe by making the HTML source of the iframe a dynamic value, and changing that value via the keyboard shortcut trigger.

You may need to temporarily hide and show the iframe for it to reload the html element’s page but you can conceal that action with a loader for a second or so.

amazing!!! thank you so much! will try this!

Do you mind sharing how to do this step “You can modify the steps to display data in the iframe by making the HTML source of the iframe a dynamic value” thank you again!