Make a page private, i.e., visible to only some users


I would like to make one page ( visible only to certain (admin) users. Is this possible with Bubble?

The Privacy & Security section of the manual ( explains how to control visibility of certain data, but not how to restrict access to a page entirely.


Hey @wells.wulsin,

This is definitely possible. There are a number of ways you could do this. You can (and should) set up privacy rules to restrict who can see certain data. You could also have a field for each user called “Admin” that is of the type “yes/no”. Then, you could set up a workflow on the admin page that is trigged when a condition is true. The condition will be "Current user’s admin is ‘no’ ". When this condition is true, you can redirect the current user to the home page (or wherever you want to redirect them).
Hope this helps!

Great idea @jacobgershkovich. Thanks for that suggestion. I will try it out!

@wells.wulsin @jacobgershkovich Please not an incident happened with me today i was redirecting users to my index page based on IsAdmin Yes/No. but if a user press Escape while page is loading he will stay in the page and will not be redirected. and do changes as he wish.

Alternative idea you still redirect him but show popup with input password and button if password match you show all groups. you can put all elements and group in one group and show/hide them together.

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