Imagine a table (thing) with:
User: a user ID
Group Name: text
Position: number (the rank order of this user in this group)
Sample data:
User Group Position
Jes A 1
Bob A 2
Sue A 3
Tom A 4
Jen A 5
Ken A 6
I want to have Jen with position #2 and Bob, Sue & Tom all increment their position, resulting in:
Desired data:
User Group Position
Jes A 1
Bob A 3
Sue A 4
Tom A 5
Jen A 2
Ken A 6
What is the syntax in Make Changes to a list of things to perform this action?
custom state: moveFromPosition
custom state: moveToPosition
Step 1: Make a change to thing–> change the thing at moveFromPosition to moveToPosition
Step 2: Make changes to a list of things --> All items in your search <> moveToPosition, thing to change: current position = current position - 1
I’m 3 glasses of delightful wine in to a Friday sundowner, so this may be lacking in a nuance or 2 to get it work, but the principle applies.
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custom state: moveFromPosition
custom state: moveToPosition
I have not used any custom states, yet. I had stored the values in a table, with the plan to delete the data when I was done using it. I’ll try custom states.
Step 1: Make a change to thing–> change the thing at moveFromPosition to moveToPosition
Each time I start Make a change to a thing, the interfaces changes it into Make changes to a list of things (and suggests that I want to change the first one). This is getting frustrating. If I wanted to change a list of things, I would choose that one.
Step 2: Make changes to a list of things → All items in your search <> moveToPosition, thing to change: current position = current position - 1
Unfortunately, I cannot seem to get the interface to allow me to copy paste the expression that I have for my search, which does not work. I will attempt to re-type:
Search for Ladder Members’s Position:items from #Result of step 7 (Create a new Comp…)'s Defeated Position:items until #Result of step 7 (Create a new Comp…)'s Victor Position(More…)
I feel like I must me making some obvious error. I’ll re-work this using custom states, perhaps that will alleviate the problems.
I’m 3 glasses of delightful wine in to a Friday sundowner, so this may be lacking in a nuance or 2 to get it work, but the principle applies.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Each time I think I understand this data paradigm, I run into a new case, where I have no clue. I wish I could use an SQL interface to the data.
Big thank you! I got it working.
I reversed changing the list, then changing the individual.
I avoided the change a thing being turned into change a list by selecting :first.
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Hi @eric_speicher, how are you?
Could you bring some more information about how did you get this working?
I have the same situation here, but wasn’t able to follow you and @SerPounce.
Thanks in advance!