Map Google places Data entered displayed

Hi there,

Having a problem with integrating the data saved from each city, to display on the data sheet. Want users to click the marker to display the stores they would like to reach out to, and display the results in the last page.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you so much!! Love Bubble

Firstly, I just need to check on how this page is working, it seems like you have an address search that is then driving a Google Place search based upon the address as text for the place ?

This will display a list of Google Places on the map ?

Are you hoping for the user to be able to click on several Markers, and those Google Places to be sent to another page as a list ?

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Looks like you have removed the Google Places search ?

Are you trying to set an address, and then search near there for your store as a Google Place.

So create a list of Google Places from searching near a location ?

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Oh nearby? That makes sense! Thank you sir!