Trying to add a list of markers. My user object has a field called current_location (this is of type geographical address). And I should be able to select lat field and long field. But there is no dropdown that appears as shown in examples to pick which field to use.
The same problem exists with icon size. It forces me to enter a value and all examples show a number like .8 or 1 has been entered. However, it refuses to let me enter a number and forces me to select from a database field.
Hello, @ashu.pant! Thank you for your report and patience.
We missed your post, unfortunately. But let us please suggest you tag the plugin creator, when you are reporting something about their product and need their assistance (@ZeroqodeSupport ).
The “Latitude/Longitude Field” value of the “Add list of markers” action should be a list of numbers. Please make sure you are trying to insert the correct data type there:
Please note, this field can accept dynamic values only - you can not type the value manually there.
You are unable to use the Current user’s Location: Latitude as a data source for the Latitude Field because of the fact the Latitude value you are extracting from the Location (geographic location data type) is a single number. You are using the action which requires a list of Latitudes and Longitudes. Please see the example:
The same as for the Latitude Field value, the accepted data type for the Icon Size field is a list of numbers. This field is accepting dynamic data source only.
Let us please know if there is anything else you would like to clarify about the plugin.
Zeroqode Support Team