I am building my mobile version and have an issue trying to set a background for the entire page.
On the main page setting, I se min height to 800 with a background color.
My content section “Container mobile” height is more then 800, and after 800 there is no background color.
I can set vertical scrolling to Container mobile, but then there are too many UX problems with the header+footer floating group, with the browser URL bar and more. So this is not a good solution.
I was trying to add html with a css to the Container mobile and give it 100VH / 100% height, but its still ends up in the page min height.
something is wrong somewhere.
To test, I would put another group onto the page, make that group a min height of 2400 and no background color and make it the first element on the page, then see if the page background is visible for that portion…if it is, that is a sign that there is something wrong with your setup in the other container group. If the color of page is not visible for that top group you add, then something is wrong with the page expansion and you should contact bubble support.
could you post a screenshot of the Container mobile’s layout section? That would gave us a better understading of what is happening.
I had 2 RG inside the page which didn’t had “Fit height to content” which was the cause of this issue. I am used to desktop on Bubble, and it’s my first mobile only page, which was a but confusing to me.
So now it’s ok and the structure is:
Page - Align to parent - min-height 568 (Not that it’s that matter)
Group - Column >> min height 100%
Group - Column >> min height 100% + Fit height to content
Group - Column >> Fit height to content
RG >> Fit height to content
with mobile responsiveness always check every element setting when something is not what you expect…glad you were able to find where you went wrong originally and made the fix.
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