I’ve been hitting my head against the wall trying to create a complex interaction for an app. I discovered a flexible and extensible answer. As a way to contribute back to the hive mind, I created this mini guide.
End-product is a JSON that is ready to be used in the body of an API. Here’s a minimal version:
Wow, this is great, I just learned something new. Thanks.
I had seen this post passing by, but I didn’t even click in it thinking it wasn’t for me. They should have named it how to build complex JSON arrays in 1 simple step!
Thanks for the great tutorial! I tried to put <body> as a dynamic value. However, when I tried to use the API call action in my workflows, it won’t ask my for the key, which is the body value here.
I was trying to do it the same way. But i have one query, i want this custom states to of API data type. and Is there a way to convert json string into the custom data type?
Is there a video that I could watch for the format as text. As I am heavily dependent on it. or the sample of page which i can refer to. like the list shift array
Basically, what I want is the function to go through all of the database of the whole table and put it in one readable text or json. Which will automatically change when the data is changed(or Updated) and read by the api (ChatGPT).
Couldn’t find dynamic expression that match my need, or just haven’t able to manipulate the function to my liking.
I’ve used the :format to text, but I couldn’t make it run. Tho currently, its seems as the closest answer
My current solution is: use each item item to list out all of the columns. But I need all rows and columns in a more readable format
The problem with :each item item is that the data will be like: