More context on our changes to pricing

Forced to pay a lot more and also completely rebuild.

This is the absolute worst decision I have yet to see coming out of Bubble.
Running Production plan @ USD 475. right now. With the new model, 48.5 Million workflow units is going to set me back USD 3996.

I so wish I froze development a year ago and started the migration process.

At least they’re giving me 18 months to move to a new system so thanks for that Bubble.

ps. I’ll be able to host my new system in EU so this takes care of GDPR as well.

pss. The saddest part to me is that Bubble stubbornly refuses to build a pricing model that allows a person to move past MVP. As soon as any application stats building scale the solution becomes ridiculously pricey.


same for me…

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or go full circle and learn to code :grin:


easier using chatgpt :smiley:
NoCode Level 3


Essentially we need to trust Bubble to allows us to do things more efficently that we are currently doing them.

That may be:-

  1. Because we did not build them very efficiently in the first place. Which is kinda why we are where we are - they let us get away with loads of back end workflows with no real issue.

  2. Because whatever we are trying to do is curently not well optimised for by Bubble.


We never had to pay attention to develop for optimization until now. We were spoiled and Bubble took the cost for all those apps that consume ridiculous amounts of resources.

We’re not seeing anything crazy in our client portfolio of apps. Some optimization to do because we chose flexibility over optimization and this will be the tradeoff moving forward. You may not need that crazy reporting workflow now that you know how much it consumes.

Bubble finally levels with its competition for its pricing and is no longer punished for improving their product, making it faster and more performant. I say punished because we hardly ever need to boost apps with additional cap units anymore.


OMG - I’m going to have to sacrifice half my apps. This is a disaster!
:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


Suggestion: Weekly app clinics to teach users to find for optimization issues. Provide common methods used by other users to optimize their app. Allow for a win-win solution where users stay on Bubble with optimized apps to save on costs(and make AWS the common enemy). :sunglasses:

Bonus suggestion: Teach users how to raise prices for their app so they don’t undersell their services :stuck_out_tongue:


Altho I like the new pricing model…

This is for 4 apps of mine how the pricing will impact us…

  • from $29 to $238 ($139+$99) a month (8 x more)
  • from $529 to $1898 ($399+$1499) a month (3.5 x more)
  • from $129 to $438 ($139+$299) a month (3.3 x more)
  • from $129 to $238 ($139+$99) a month (1.8 x more)

Altho the price changes are big… it also saves a lot of developer time… but doubling the amount of work units would be a little better haha :slight_smile:


It’s exciting. But I don’t understand this.

On this page, we can see all the activities that are considered workload. Ok, but how much does which activity cost WU? So 1 page load is 1WU? If so, a blog site with 300,000 visitors will pay too much…

@emmanuel @ZubairLK any thoughts?


i saw mine and i nearly cried. 1M plus. And we have never exceeded 2% of capacity. Good thing is we are in the middle of a new version build and so we can begin to optimize. But as @Nigel said, will there be improvements on the currents gaps which have made us have this many workarounds and plugins which impact capacity? and how quickly can that be turned around


lord have mercy


This is going to kill development time and speed to market, especially for those who are beginners and just want to test the waters with a product.


lets not forget how much it costs to do thing without bubble (and how much testing you need to add for basic stuff to make it work reliable) and how expensive that is… coding, managing servers, etc is also very expensive


unfortunately my best solution will be to look for another platform, today my app uses a lot of api requests and with 15 customers it is consuming 35 million units per month, even with the best optimizations it will still be at least close to 20 million, the value of the plan is above a thousand dollars, I would have to pay to work, unfortunately the solution is to break out of the bubble and lose the almost 3 years of study invested in it


Lol whoa dude

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I think this is absolutely needed. This will truly force Bubble Developers to focus on efficiency.

I can say I’ve not been the most efficient in my hobby apps, and have made “hacky” things before.

Overall, I think some understanding needs to be done here. Like others have mentioned, we have been quite spoiled. This is a needed change, and the fact that prices have remained stagnant since 2019, I understand the need for the increase. Bubble as a product has come so far and advanced since 2019.

Great work Josh and Emmanuel. Thank you for taking community input. As a return, I can only hope most of the community understands this is a needed change.


300 million a month. Oof. /calls support.

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If I send parameter to the same page with “Go to page” action, is it still count as page load and costs WU?

@emmanuel @ZubairLK