More context on our changes to pricing

$320 per month (not $320,000!!)

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Or we line up enough people to buy bubble thru crowd funding…
However we then need to solve the pricing issue in a better way.

Ha ha ha ha ha, I knew I was doing something wrong. Think I need to come off here for a while, my brain is fried :laughing:

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Renato Asse ganha uma % da Bubble por isso ele defende, ele prefere defender o novo preço e deixar os brasileiro falirem e ser feliz sozinho, Reano Asse está vendo sua própria felicidade e deixando a comunidade que ele criou quebrar


But even if they come back and amend it. That gives a pretty good idea of what they want to do, even if they end up to doing it (now)

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Good Friday to all.

My recommendation for Bubble would be to compress the WU’s (workload unit) for the current Bubble customers. I was really under the impression when I personally met with one of the Bubble leaders last week, that the WU base had been calculated correctly, to give our applications plenty of freedom. In fact, unless there is a mistake in the WU calculation, this is not the case. I realize that my project will not be able to see the light of day with such a scenario, unless Bubble is able to reduce by 100 the WU factor, and gives us real details on how to reduce by 10 the WU.

I would also like to mention, that the calculation before with capacity was in the right direction, just had to add in my opinion the WU portion on demand.



Would love to see a comparison from an app pulling data from xano.

We’ll let you all know in a couple months! It’s exactly what our team is working on!

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Based off memory, isnt this signficantly worse than their first pricing change proposal?


Getting a lot of questions on my calculations:

Here are my calculations Bubble new pricing plan: Cost calculator - Google Sheets (just copy and use the yellow fields to change)

I am not 100% confident all the numbers are accurate. I did my best to make an estimation based on data I could gather.


It was just yesterday that I was day dreaming about scaling my bubble App.

I knew I would get the reality check soon, but this quick I had not anticipated at all


No, that was way worse and probably made by a 1st grader. This pricing plan seems like a 6th grader work. So some improvement

I disagree. The first pricing was hard limiting the database rows where you could simply bypass that by using your own server or a 3d party solution to host your data.

This pricing will charge you for anything your app does, visits, workflow, API running, database searches, etc.

It’s x100 times worse than the first pricing.

I cannot understand how a “serious” company comes with a pricing x5 times higher and pretend to be a good thing for the users and the community.

Again we remember why some folks in the past were advising about putting all your projects into one side decisions that can make your business disappear.

Any serious company won’t increase their pricing by more than +50%

And not in 2023 where plenty of other platforms exist and some of them are robust and have better performance overall than Bubble such as Wrappler or Flutterflow where you own the source code AKA you own your business


Yes but made many times worse by the silence. At least last time we got a “We hear you, we’re reversing it”.

As was said earlier in this thread, this is Pricing Shit Show 2 : Clusterf*ck.

I so hope this all turns out to be a calculation error.

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I wasn’t going to comment on this post, but I found my case interesting:

I went to analyze the WU of the App that I built for the First Bubble Community Contest.

All the app does is a simple (and optimized) CRUD and visualization.
(You can check the app vídeo, screenshots and editor here: Introducing: Build Contests - #64 by NetoCamarano)
No Backend Workflows;
All in the free plan;
With a total of 116 items in the database.
Note: (The app was built in 2 days).

Result of the last 10 days of use (application lifetime)

At these rates, I would easily fit this app into a Growth plan.

Sorry, but, my thoughts are that an app like this definitely shouldn’t be at this level of plan…


i am sorry to comment but hilarious that last week they make an openai + bubble event taunting the power of the two, but now the one app by @dee with 1000 users using openai is 200M WU and nowhere near feasible.


We’re also mid-move to Xano!

Our timeline is a couple months out as well, so we’ll have to compare findings. :slight_smile:

Still completely unclear though on how those API POSTs and GETs will correlate to Workload Units, but time will tell.

I’d try to do all calls client side using the xano plugin, as a note. But yeah I wonder the same.

We’re on a dedicated plan with about 30 sub apps so we’re really concerned about this new pricing update.


Hi Bubble Community,

We are answering some of the common questions from this thread in a new thread and will be closing comments in this thread moving forward.

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