Yes exactly, it is happenning when a custom event is calling another custom event
Same issue for me too
In my case some workflows that directly calls custom events isn’t working too. It is a custom that sets a custom state in a element. Maybe custom event to custom state is also broken?
com tudo, o workflow, que usava o trigguer para transições instanteneas de telas pararam de funcionar, meus sistemas e dos meus clientes entraram com colapso por causa disso, nada mais funciona, porfavor, só voltem para a ultima versão, mais alguns dias com esse problema e terei de fechar minha empresa.
in my case
Schedule API Workflow on a list - does not work → pass empty parameters to the backend workflow
Schedule API Workflow with the same parameters - works → pass the same parameters correctly to the same backend workflow
Here ALL API Workflow stopped recognizing the received parameters that worked normally.
Without looking at everything, it seems like every custom workflow with a “type of thing” has now been changed to not have a thing so I now have errors everywhere an action in that workflow is looking for that “workflow thing”
Hey all - so sorry about this, the fix is going out in around nine minutes.
Fix is live!
I tested it and it still doesn’t work. Do we need to take any action?
It looks like the Custom Events passing parameters to others issue may be fixed, but the issue mentioned above with API workflows is definitely not fixed.
testei e mesmo assim o problema persiste, pelo celular o ‘‘tab’’ que é paremetro, simplesmente não puxa a url da pagina
foto em anexo
Ops! I thought it was happening only to me. Great update, but it seems to be not working properly. I’m having issues while passing a parameter from a custom event to API Workflow. API Workflow is receiving empty. Is this a remaining bug?
@grace.hong Keep us posted, plz!
We’re looking into that right now – please submit a bug report if you haven’t already, so we can repro for your app.
Why was this not released as a “breaking changes” update? I have workflows not running at all or skipping steps, a condition that uses the workflow data, if I check it step by step, I can see the RED text saying the condition is not met but is executed anyway… is not updated…
It still says 100% api requests succesful and no incidents.
Hi, same thing for me, it broke my app. The parameters sent to the backend remain empty. I am in the middle of a database transfer
My custom workflows aren’t working either. I also went to push an update and the custom workflows on my development side show no ‘type of thing’ however, when i try to reset it to the original it will just revert back to nothing after a couple of minutes.
@grace.hong Any progress on it? Because our app is still broken
aparentemente ao verificar, quando uso o fluxo para o bubble me mostrar uma tela em especifico, pelo desktop funciona, mas se utilizar o mesmo link via mobile ele não funciona.
( a primeira foto é sobre o mobile, como podem ver o nome da tela não aparece )
( a segunda foto é feita pelo dektop, que aparece o nome da tela após o ‘‘tab’’ )