What a great improvement! Many thanks for that.
Just one more step, and we’ll be able to make real functions the easy way : could you please make a “return data” action available for custom events?
You’re so close!
What a great improvement! Many thanks for that.
Just one more step, and we’ll be able to make real functions the easy way : could you please make a “return data” action available for custom events?
You’re so close!
Hi all, so sorry for this, we’re still actively looking into this. Again, please submit bug reports, so we can dial in on the issue by repro’ing on your app.
can’t you just roll back the old update so thousands of programmers and users aren’t affected? it makes no sense to leave the damage to those who use the platform…
Extremly agree. My app just completly broken.
When I check the flow with a debugger LEGACY works very well but when I pass to the standard URL without a debugger, It does not work.
Great feature idea but my app is also completely broken right now.
Just one more step, and we’ll be able to make real functions the easy way
: could you please make a “return data” action available for custom events?
Yes, yes, yes please!
Also, can we “run a custom workflow on a list”? And then the trifecta will be complete.
Please please please can we make sure this isn’t rolled out onto the scheduled tier release overnight until it’s been throughly tested. My app has dozens of custom event workflow and we have important event tomorrow. It would be nightmare if my app breaks.
Is anyone having issues with Schedule API workflow or just Schedule API workflow on a list? I think only the latter is broken for me.
2012 - 2022
Fix is live for Schedule API Workflow on a List, continuing to look at a few other impacted areas.
Action and parameter of the draggable elements plugin still missing when triggering a custom event. I am sure you guys are looking into many impacted areas. This is one of them …
And … more performing apps!
Hi all - appreciate your patience. We’re looking into Draggable Elements UI and page navigation right now. We can definitely pause scheduled release for tomorrow. The tricky part about this particular update is that we can’t quite revert because it’s now an addition, and removing that would break everyone’s apps.
In the meantime, if you’re experiencing additional bugs outside of Draggable Elements UI and page navigation, can you please submit a bug report, so we can explore it further?
Rolling out fix that will be live in around ten minutes.
Rolled out! Please let us know if you’re facing anything else, but this should fix the majority of issues you’re experiencing, if not all.
Looks good on my end. Thanks!
Thank you so much @grace.hong I guess now the navigation action is working very well