Need a countdown timer with pause, restart, stop and reset

Hi Bubblers,

Looking for a countdown where a user can select X minutes with the ability to pause, restart, stop and reset?

Any ideas on building or using a plugin with all the related features?

This plugin is great, but only starts and does not provide the other features.

Gaby’s video builds a countdown, also, without the features.


Is this like what you need?

Here is an example:

Here is the editor:

Why yes, @williamtisdale that was something along the lines of what I was thinking. Also a way to visually see the the minutes and seconds together is helpful, example: 05:30. Is this a plugin of yours or would you have the link to it? Also, know any good ways to create the same pause, stop, reset features for a stopwatch counting up?

Looking for both a countdown and stopwatch that looks something similar to this (which is only the countdown, but works great):

@jasonturo - hello Jason, did you manage to find one like this? It’s exactly what I need too

Hi Paul, No I haven’t found anything that fits what I’m looking for. Going to probably build my own plugin later for this. Would you mind letting me know if you come across anything useful?


I found a few, but nothing really worked properly - or at least how I want it to.

We’ve created a animated progress bar that times down from 12 seconds so is quite clunky due to the conditions it uses. If you require a longer time frame it should be a lot smoother.

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