Need help finishing transformations plugin

Hi everyone. I have a plugin implemented in our app to enable transformations like dragging and (almost) resizing of elements. I’ve had some help with it already that left it almost complete, so the dragging aspect is done and implemented as well as some of the resizing code itself, but I still need some help implementing the resizing and rotating code into the existing plugin code to complete resizing part.

The current plugin automatically saves x and y coordinates of the elements that are dragged when they’re dropped, so I’d like something that works the same way with the size where whenever an object is resized the changes are saved to the database in the form of width, height, and rotation angle. In the end it should look something like this:

As I said, we have the dragging part done and need to mainly have the remainder of the resizing and rotating finished.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-30 080352

Would be nice to be able to edit the handlers of the plugin so we can change the color if needed too as well.

Feel free to leave a message!

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Hello @julpereira82
Let’s connect and discuss the requirement in detail.

Below are my contact handle:
Skype: live:.cid.354eabfec6e1db3