Need help for setting up url for single page app

I’ve built single page application using custom states and condition to show and hide elements. and “the page is native app” is checked, hence I cannot use go to page option so how I can show different url based on my page content?

I want to do:
when used share a post > and someone click on that shared URL > it should open that particular post that is shared

If you’re app won’t be a native app/submitted to the app stores (via wrapping), you might want to uncheck the page is native app option.

If you want to use URL parameters or paths to show/hide sections, you need to hide the element/s and only show them when a url path or parameter is not empty. For the data source, you could search for the thing and add the value of the parameter/path as a constraint in your search. This is entirely different from using custom states though.

If you still wish to use custom sates, you would need a way to check the url on page load and do the necessary actions to show the element and display data to them

Thanks, This works perfectly!

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