Need help in showing summary (sorted by count) in repeating group

I have transaction record in which all the data types is in list in a single cell with different rows.
I’m trying to show the summary of the data just like pivot table in excel , with name and count of each data using repeating group but I am unable to do so.


Please, have you tried :group by in your repeating group:

I hope this helps!

Yes I tried but these fields doesn’t come there.
Look at screenshots for you reference.

Below is the data that I want to show summarized in repeating group.


Initial PL represents Pallet, RB represents Rigid Bin and FB represents Foldable Bin and they have different sizes as you can see in asset size column.


Would it be possible you create an entry in the database for each value of the list, rather than saving it as a list?

Because, I think you need the group by function, however it will only work if the field is not a list.

Let me explain what I’m trying to do, I’m recording transactions using QR code scanning, under single transaction number. creating a separate entry for each asset would take more time because of interaction with database takes some time, so I’m using custom states to store my scanned asset ID’s and then saving to database.
Is there any other way to store data.


Please see if it can help you:

If it is correct, only the quantity field will need to have a separate entry for each asset type.

Thanks for building an app but I think you should take a look at my app, maybe you can have better solution.

Sampleqrscmdemo | Bubble Editor

at the end I want to show summarized data.


Please, check if it is according to what you want:

I created a backend workflow to create an entry for each asset and then I used the group by to display the result. The only thing you need to figured out is how to calculate the quantity if you still need that field.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for creating the backend workflow but it is not useful.

Sorry to hear that. I hope at least one of the two solutions I presented for you can give you some insights about how to solve your issue.