Need Help Setting Up Tinder Like Pile!


Im new to Bubble with a ton of ideas. It doesn’t seem as though there are a ton tutorials and how to’s for using plugins and creating apps. Does anyone know how to setup the “Tinder-Like Pile” interface on an app one might be creating. I’m have no clue of where to begin or end. Thanks in advance

Check out this link (editor) -
test version -

There’s a pre-built plugin that you can add to your app called “Tinder-Like Pile”. I’m just doing a search for users and using the “image” field I created under user as the image used for the pile. I also created a “bio” field and use that value as the card title.

The design part I’ve seem to figure out. The part I’m struggling with is the functionality of it. How can I setup the swipe right and left functionality then have matches on a separate page that goes along with that?

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@andrewlamar06 - Not sure if you’re willing to pay for a tutorial, but @brentsum over at has a video course on creating a Tinder-like app.

Assuming you can finish the course in 1 month, you’ll only pay $39.

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