Hi all,
I need some help with my data structure and if there are any significant limitations or performance issues.
Currently I have a calendar repeating group that shows rate against a date for the property selected in a drop down up to one year forward from the current date. There will be thousands of these records as there will be hundreds of properties with 365 days of rates.
Example of the “Rates” data type:
Rate - Number
Date - Date
Availability - Boolean
Minimum Stay - Number
Property Name - Text
In the repeating calendar group, each cell outputs a unique cell date. Within the repeating cell a dynamic text field that does a search for the Rate data THING within the Rates data TYPE where:
Current Cells Date = Rate’s Dates
Property Name = Dropdown A’s Value
This means when the next month is selected on the calendar bubble with have to search through thousands records under the data type Rates to find matches for both the current cells date and property name. Will this result in slow load times or is there a more efficient way of doing this?