Need help with Ranking System

We want to build a ranking system for users in our database, we have like Name-Mood-Knowledge-Smartness-Sum, in the “SUM” column we sum the points from the Mood, Knowledge, Smartness and we want the ranking system to list the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd user’s name with the most points from the ‘Sum’ column.
We have the solution for getting the max points, but we don’t know how to display the Name with most points.
We want it to be like a podium.
Képernyőkép 2022-11-22 185653

Képernyőkép 2022-11-22 185618

Assuming you have their total points as a field under the User
For your text in 3rd place Do a search for Users, sort by score (descending yes):item #3’s Name

The repeat for 2nd and 1st but do item #2 and item #1

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Thank you mm

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