Need Help with Workflow

So i have been customizing an app i have and am so confused, i created a new page and added a button to the main page and put in the workflow when button is clicked go to “said page” . Button when i do that it literally just refreshes the page. Attached is another FAILED method that i tried. I tried to add some more lines that would ensure that i was approved to see that page and nothing has happened. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

What page is your button on? (the index page?)

And what pageload workflows (if any) are on the destination page?

yes and what do you mean pageload workflows?

Are there any workflows on the destination page which run on page load (i.e. when the page is loaded) that could be causing you to be redirected back to the index page?

the page i made was copied from an already premade page that 100% works

i take that back, i appreciate your help, there was a pageload that was running causing me to stay at index

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