@jarrad would you kindly help me to set a group to show date and slot picker which has to be dynamic
the requirement is as follows:
Date - USER get’s to pick the day (Today/Tomorrow or Select a Date)
Time - Condition 1 : Between a time range (Opening/Closing)
Condition 2 : Empty Slot’s only need to be valid.
Condition 3 : For Current day + 2 hours & empty Slot need to valid.
Hi, doing an example now. What is the open/close time? And I’m assuming that all time between open and close are valid?. Excluding or including weekends?
I have started building something that will have a lot more examples too. This should be enough to show you how it works. Just repeat the method for everything else you add into it.
Well thank you very much… @jarrad you an asset for the bubbler.
Hmmm looks amazing… I will try to understand the conditions and workflow.
Well please see the link below to understand what I exactly want to build … creating the slide show also has been a hassle for me right now… please help me to correct myself