I was wondering whether you have any luck with this?
I have been trying to solve something similar recently - http://doodle.com/ has an API which you may want to consider, although I’m currently confirming with them if they’ll allow me to use this as a “non enterprise” customer.
What is the wider problem that you are trying to solve with this?
Great - are you able to provide any details as to what you built?
I am trying to build something which facilitates interview scheduling across 3 or more different parties together…the added complication is the parties may be across different timezones.
You can display date and time in a specific timezone or using the user timezone.
In the first case, you should display a warning that say which timezone displayed time is. In the second option, user from a place will see 10-11AM for example, but other user will see 9-10AM because it’s in a different timezone. But both will be in the same timeslot.
Each case is different and like I say it’s tricky. You need to create timeslot, according to open and close business hours and allow user to select which timeslot he is available.
I have managed to implement time slots using Boston’s method. I struggled to implement a time zone function to translate the time of one user to the time of another user: I can do this using simple math but the whole thing gets more complicated when the sessions spill over to the next day. I think I may have to just let the users work it out for now, poor ux though, unless someone has a work around?