New Color Variables (Improvements and Missing Bolor Bug)

Firstly, I noticed this color palette update for new apps and well, this will help in some way for sure. Thanks for that!

But I think there are some things missing here that have been requested before, by many users, and that would help a little. For example:

1- Ability to rename default colors.
2 - Any better way to identify the current color when hovered (why not the same one we have when dealing with data type fields?). For large screens, if you want to delete some color, it’s a little difficult to get it right on the first try.

Well, there are other improvements, but I also want to report something here.

Today I was creating some new styles and created new colors (in an already existing app). But, during the day, I noticed that these colors had disappeared at some point. I recreated them again and I had to do this 3 times, because 3 times they disappeared.

Maybe you can defend the idea that this happens when we use more than one editor tab. Well, I won’t deny that I’ve always used more than one tab, I’ve been using it like that for years. I’ve never had any problem with it, not a single loss during all these years, although I’ve seen some reports on the forum. However, unfortunately for me, it happened today. So before the last loss, I only used one editor tab open.

But there is something strange here. In general, when this happened in the reported cases, all work from a specific point was lost and not just specifics things here and there.

In my case today, the colors disappeared, but the styles I created after them were still in the app. Furthermore, I noticed that even Bubble’s default Background Color (impossible to delete at the moment) had disappeared for some styles that have existed in the app for years. So some weird stuff here that I hope you check out.

Also, missing color in a style or element (which should have been there and for some reason was deleted) should be highlighted as an issue in the editor so we could find it more easily.

So guys, just some ideas and reporting these issues in case others are experiencing the same.


I’ll pass it along to the team but also, could you submit a bug report about it?

I faced the same issue with the “missing” color. I created a few colors in the styles, assigned to multiple elements and found after some hours that the color completed disappeared from the style. It wasn’t even an option.

I had some similar saved colors I used instead but I am hesitant to create new colors now and assign them because I’m pretty much expecting them to go missing again.

It happened three times in the last three days.

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