πŸ₯ New Ez Doctors - Appointments Book Template by EzCode

Hey Bubblers !

Welcome new Ez Doctors - Appointments Book Template

Ez Doctors - Appointments Template is a no-code template-solution for Doctors, Hospitals and any other business that need Schedule calendar.

It contains a responsive website and Admin panel.

App Contain:

  • Landing Page
  • Schedule calendar
  • Calendar administration
  • Responsive design
  • Admin dashboard
  • Doctors Dashboard
  • User Dashboard
  • Message system (chat)
  • User account and history
    and many many more.

A modern, minimalistic, yet functional design allows to prominently feature and easily update your best special offers. The template is ideal for any Medical companies looking to offer a complete bundle to their customers.

Template page: https://bubble.io/template/ezdocβ€”appointments-1590735934318x100102852955602940

Demo: https://ezdoc.bubbleapps.io

The template is sold as is, although additional modification can be discussed. Feel free to contact us for any inquiries and we’ll be happy to find a solution for your ideas - https://ezcode.co

Hope you will like it !

Regards EzCode team .


Well done, I can see the value here without too much thinking :slight_smile:

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Thanks @nocodeventure :innocent:

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I have recently purchased the Ez Doc Bubble template. I’m experiencing an issue with the Appointments not functioning as they do in the demo template (ezdoc.bubbleapps.io).

This is a vanilla install of the template: testrt.bubbleapps.io and this is a screencast of the issue I am experiencing: recordit.co/hgXgzyZ287

When logged in as a Demo User, I’m unable to see Pending appointments that I make, I can see them when logged in as a Demo Doctor. The Demo Admin user can’t see any appointments at all?

@eazycode I’ve sent this request via email but thought I’d ask here if others have come across this? Please advise as to how to resolve this? Thanks.

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Hey @danmaby, thanks for reaching out.

yes, we found that think, on Demo User dashboard you see only today appointments, we will add Pending Tab and will launch template update on Monday

*Also are coming new update where Doctors can add/edit their Working/Visit time on Monday too :muscle:

Hope it helps

Regards Pavel, EzCode Team !

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Awesome, thank you! Look forward to the update :slight_smile:

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Hey @danmaby

Pending section are updated, you need to reinstall template with db, make it live and tell us if it works please?

Looking forward

Regards Pavel, EzCode Team !

Really appreciate the ping @eazycode. I’ve just created a new app with the template but it’s still not functioning? Do you know if there’s a time delay in the propagation of template updates?

Also, do you happen to have a changelog anywhere? I have a heavily customised app, so to overwrite the template is not something I want to be doing.

Hey @danmaby - send us app link to DM please so will check what is wrong on your side,

Because it looks strange, on demo everything works as you can see

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Can the appointments be configured to say every 10min? With pre scheduled clients and dropins

Hey @Hiener, absolutely possible

There is table with possible times slots, so you can add, and reset 1H appointment to 10 min in workflows

Also we almost done with update where doctors can create their own slots - so it soon will be an update

Hope it helps

Regards Pavel, EzCode Team !

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Hey Bubblers, launched a minor update with Doctors working hours.

Hope you’ll like it !

Regards Pavel, EzCode Team !

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Hello! Awesome template, about to purchase but had a question. I need for the doctors work hours to edit the customers calendar/timeslot view, and didn’t seem to notice any changes after I would edit the work hours. Any feedback helps, thanks.

and was curious if it’s possible for the doctor to edit the days available (ie; Monday - Sunday), instead of just Monday - Friday. Thanks

Hey @wellington , just launched update with option to set working time

Hope you will like it

Regards Pavel, EzCode Team !

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Thanks so much!! Awesome work

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Hey Pavel, was reaching out in regards to the template. I was curious if it was possible to add a break for the doctors in the schedule. Sorta like a way for them to add a personal time slot for things like a lunch break, etc. Thanks

Hey @wellington , thanks for question

Think we can add this,

We made for our Teaching Platform Template this kind of working time admin

Tell me if it looks ok please?

If we will reach some more requests under this template we will add this functionality in next update here too

Regards Pavel, EzCode Team


Am contemplating to buy the template, but have a few questions:

  • is it possible to add a functionality where clients can pay up front for the appointment, and/or put down a deposit?

  • possible to add functionality, where client/doctor can see each other’s locations?

  • how will client/doctor be notified of incoming messages?

If any bubblers or devs know, please reply :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance,

Hey @linesvesth , it’s absolutely possible,

You will need to add this functionality to your app (template), to add some DB fields for locations, connect payments process and notifications in workflows

But you will need to have some knowledge in bubble to do this, or you can hire somebody to help you

Hope it helps