[New Feature] PDF Generation

I use Google preview tool to display pdf’s:

<iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=http:Parent group's File's File's URL&embedded=true" allowfullscreen ></iframe>



If I want to create a PDF and email thereafter.

The data to put in the PDF is generated from within a workflow scheduled on a list and there is no page to pass to SelectPDF.

Can selectPDF be fed data by my background workflow (a record at a time) and build a file that can then be emailed when the workflow ends?

I’m struggling on how to do this. Any ideas are welcome!!

Many thanks in advance,


You should take a look at this post to see how it works: [New Feature] PDF Generation

hi … i’ve created the workflow as per your screenshot … but I still get an error … could you please help me fix the issue…

The result of “Generate PDF …” is a link, so I reckon you don’t need “'s URL”, just put “Result of Step 1”.

it still getting highlighted as an issue as shown below :frowning:

also, is it possible to print/convert only selected group elements into a PDF or download as pdf??

Okay… Some trail and error time here…


The result of “Generate PDF…” is TEXT. Your “link” must be “text” type.

The result of “Generate PDF…” when inserted in a “text” type field is in “//s3.amazonaws.com/appforest_uf/f1…” format.

If you want to get the “//s3.amazonaws.com/app…” to be a useable URL link in “text” format inserted into a “text” type field, you need to replace “//s3” in your Result of “Generate PDF…” by “https://s3”.

Hope this works for you, but let us know :slight_smile:

I did it by creating a new “specially dedicated” page, where this “selected group” was. This was you can kinda hide the slowness of Generate PDF step.

But if you work out any other solution, do let us know.

I was able to generate and print pdf by following the above link …

unfortunately, the groups (and content) that I need to print are under second tab on a page. so when i generate the pdf for this page, only the tab1 contents are shown in the pdf instead of the tab 2’s content …

is there a way i can fix this …? like this every page has 2 tabs (around 8 pages) and for each page the second tab’s content need to be displayed in the pdf

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Not sure about tabs…

Try to set conditions that will hide unwated tabs? This can be done with URL paramentrs.

Hi Guys,

I got the same error but resolved by setting minimum load time to 30 seconds. Only that now dont get any results. I have set my gmail to receive PDF. I have ready the entire conversation but i don’t seem to get anyone with a similar issue as mine.

What could I be doing wrong?

We’re looking into some issues around PDF generation. See this thread for updates


Noted and Thanks @Emmanuel

Doubt about using pdf generatir Plugin.
Is it possible to generate two or more pages in a pdf file, keeping the page layout (headers and footers), since de text is longer than one page?

@emmanuel @bablbooks @vincent56 @NicolasDap

Does this plugin always reset all fields to default before generating the pdf or am i doing something wrong?

I have a dropdown and a checkbox and each of them revert back to default states before the PDF is created. I would really appreciate some help :slight_smile:

Have no clue why have I missed this, finally, somebody did that thing! I’m working with PDF’s a lot: some business documents, taxes, you name it. So I know a pretty nice feature in order to edit them so far, made for exactly such purposes https://4000a-125-2-form.pdffiller.com/ But something to convert pages to pdf? Well, Safari has something similar, but it doesn’t read layers so they’re more images than text documents

Hey Emmanuel, do you have an update on this? Looking to integrate something like this for my project. Thanks!


Just adding myself to the waiting list here and to express interest in a good PDF generation solution.

We have some success, but being able to convert data from Bubble to a professional PDF with logos is something we really miss. There are many page breaker plugins there, but if you have repeating groups or dynamic data then we find they don’t break correctly or cause blank pages etc.


We’ve been running into weird rendering issues with SelectPDF lately. Some characters are displayed as ‘null’ and some fields/texts are not displayed at all or very randomly.

Turns out Bubble seemingly changed or updated their js library that is not compatible with the current implementation of the SelectPDF plugin. I confirmed this by adding SelectPDF through the API connector and changing the engine used to render the pdf. They use ‘restricted’ where it should be ‘blink’

I sent a msg to bubble support so hopefully the plugin will get updated. If not, you’d have to add the call in the API connector manually and go from there which is easy enough:

	key: 'YOURKEY',
	url: 'yourpage',
	pdf_name: 'test.pdf',
	engine: 'blink',
	keep_images_together: 'True',
	  page_numbers: 'False',
margin_top: '20',
min_load_time: '3'

@Bubble, can you also maybe explain how ‘Render the page as’ works in combination with privacy rules? It seems an addition to the plugin but I cannot find any documentation about it.

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