[NEW FREE PLUGIN] Dynamic Favicon

Hello bubblers! I just released a new FREE plugin!!
A feature that Bubble has been missing to improve SEO!

Dynamic favicons

This plugins is completely free and very easy to use!
Here you have a demo link: Demo
And also the documentation: Docs

Feel free to reply to this topic or send me a message if you need help!


When I went to the demo and navigated to different pages, there is no favicon displayed…is it capable of having different favicon for different pages? Also is it possible to have different favicons for the same page dependent on the content?

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Hello @boston85719, yes it can have different favicons in different pages. the reason this doesn’t appear to you is because I only implemented this on the demo page (didn’t add it to the other pages sorry :sweat_smile:) but I will add it later.
And yes you can have different favicons depending on conditions. Look at the demo where the Image source of the Favicon is the picture uploader value

@segongora9 Is the plugin still working? If so could you update the demo links as these are returning a 404.

@myholidayguide links updated

Thanks. Is there any intention to amend the plugin to allow it to change the favicon when mobile phone users go to save a link to their home screen as this is the main feature I am after?