Have you tried clicking Rich Text Editor in the air alert configuration and formatting your text there? Or HTML styling?
Thanks for your response.
I’ve already tried do this. But the user can see html code in the popup.
And I want to stylish the content inside popup.
That’s BB code, try HTML code
I am experiencing an issue with the free AirAlert plugin. Previously I do not recall having experienced this issue, but Bubble support seems to now place the blame on the plugin. Below is last corresspondance from Bubble support.
After further investigation, our engineering team shared that this behavior occurs because our popup code uses selection logic that applies a blur to every element on the page except the popup and the elements inside of it.
This doesn’t occur the first time the alert is shown because the Air Alert element doesn’t exist until the Air Alert is triggered for the first time. To provide some additional context, the Air Alert element is drawn the first time it is shown and then becomes hidden. When the Air Alert is triggered again, the element becomes visible rather than a new element being drawn.
As such, if the Air Alert element has already been shown and then a popup is opened, the Air Alert element will be blurred since it exists on the page.
In the 5+ years of using this plugin, I have not experienced this issue. Do you have any ideas of what might be the reason or a fix?