[New plugin] Fully Customizable Table / Grid

Thanks @Thimo! Just to confirm, the rows are full when this is happening and it only occurs after a re-render.

Iā€™m almost becoming a client, but Iā€™ve just realized itā€™s not possible to select all / unselect all :frowning:

Hi @fp1, yes this feature is unfortunately not yet supported by the plugin. I will prioritize this feature though, so hopefully I can find a way to make this work soon! :slight_smile:

Thimo, as you are already studying how to implement this feature, Iā€™ll give you an idea.

I have been a client of 4 different market CRM until today and Iā€™ll migrate to bubble.

One really nice feature for Table/grid is to be able to select only current repeating group page or all repeating group list.


As Itā€™s a mandatory feature for me, I found a way to do it using repeating groups. But I really liked the actions and sorting of your plugin, so Iā€™d like to be client if you can do it :slight_smile:

Thank you very much @Thimo

hey i am having some issues with setting the border color. sometimes the color is only applied to the header and search box, sometimes it is applied to the whole table. and when resizing the window, the border comes and goes.



Following up on my post from the other day, the debugger confirmed that the checkbox is checked workflow will run in the absence of a re-render

but after a re-render the system thinks Iā€™m clicking a row and not a checkbox:

@alexd.ramirez I will send you a PM to see whats going on! :slight_smile:

Hi @Thimo and fellow Table/Grid users,

Seeking input/feedback on the following:

  • Is there a way to accurately sort by dates? Seems to be inconsistent especially when you cross years.
  • Has anyone found a way to incorporate rich text in the grid? It doesnā€™t seem to interpret anything including control breaks.

Thanks in advance!

If you format your dates like the example below the plugin will automatically recognize it and it will sort correctly. (there could be more ways to format the dates, but this one works for sure) (see demo page):

What format is your rich text (bbCode, JSON, HTML etc.)? If it is bbCode or HTML you can do this (works for simple bbCode like bold, underline etc.):

I have updated the demo as well for this:

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Hey @Thimo, were you ever able to replicate the checkbox behavior of erroneously triggering a popup after a re-render?

@sydney22 I am looking into this but is seems like a very hard issue to resolve. An easy workaround for this is to only execute the ā€˜cell/row is clickedā€™ event when the cell is not ā€˜trueā€™ and is not ā€˜falseā€™ and is not empty. I created a demo for you here: Pluginpreview | Bubble Editor

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Thanks, @Thimo! This is effective at preventing the popup for sure. Is there a way to still show an icon when a checkbox is checked after the re-render? Iā€™m currently setting a yes/no state to show/hide when the checkbox id:count > 0. In turn, the icon is visible when the state is ā€œyesā€ and hidden when ā€œnoā€.

I just pushed an update (2.48.0) that should fix the issue with the ā€˜Checkbox is clicked eventā€™ after a re-render. As in, it is working for me here: Pluginpreview | Bubble Editor :slight_smile:

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@Thimo. Legend. Best customer service of anyone on this platform, and itā€™s not even close.


Thanks @Thimo ! Rich text suggestion works like a charm. But date sorting still isnā€™t working. Even with that date/time format, it messes up when you cross years. For example. I recreated your sample with dates 12/2/22, 1/3/23, and 11/11/23. When I sort descending, it lists it as:


@fbrown In my example, there is also a time stamp visible. Could you try of it works when you add that? As the plugin tries to recognize dates and they need to be formatted a certain way. It is not really elegant, but I can look into if I can improve it so other date formats are supported as well! :slight_smile:

Thanks again @Thimo . Yep, time stamp works and I believe we have m/d/yyyy working as well. Only issue we are encountering now is when a row has a blank date as it seems to throw off the sorting and that row will just insert itself in the middle of the sorted list.


Hi guys,
I want to add a new column in the table through workflow tab but when the plugin is throwing this error-

The plugin Table / Grid / action Add column a Table / grid threw the following error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ā€˜0ā€™)
at eval (PLUGIN_1593724959866x956106696186921000/Table-/-Grid-updateā€“Table-/-grid-.js:566:68)
at Array.forEach () (please report this to the plugin author)

Can you please help me out?

@megha.rath I have send you a PM so we can take a better look at the issue you are facing! :slight_smile:

Hi @Thimo
Is it possible in this table plugin to manually add data in rows and columns?
I want my user to be able to edit the table and type in their own data.