[New plugin] Fully Customizable Table / Grid

Hi. Great work.
I just have one question on conditional formatting.
How can I apply some colors/style to the column “Inventario” ? (i.e if value is greater than another variable in the database put cell red, if lower green etc … )


Hi @carlos.martinez.padi , you can change the styles using the HTML field, but colors based on a specific value are not supported right now (as you can’t have conditionals like this in CSS)

in normal rg i get parent group asset id

But in table plugin

cant get asset id bcz cant get that row id
I need to make some calc and then i want show to it that cell. To do that i need that row id.Is this possible anyway

this really looks nice

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Yes you should be able to do that. The demo page actually has a lot of examples of hos to do advanced things like this. See for example column 9 and/or 10 of the first table: Pluginpreview | Bubble Editor

Hopefully this helps!

I have some collapsable groups that each contain a table. When I click on tabs to show them, the columns all become locked into the same width (index and check box ones are unnecessarily wide) which causes some text overlap. Also can’t manually adjust the table widths in this instance. I have the auto width box check although unchecking this doesn’t seem to change anything.

By comparison, after a page load it adjusts normally and looks great:

Is there a way to avoid this? Again, it only happens for collapsable groups that are initially hidden and then get revealed without a page refresh.

I think the problem is that Bubble does not trigger a re-render when a group (with the table inside) is shown. If you add the ‘re-render’ workflow actions after you show the group/table it should display properly. I am looking for alternative solutions though, would be nice if the plugin did this automatically.

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Thanks, @Thimo I’ll give that a try.

Update 2.47.0

Added the feature to only export selected rows as a CSV:

Does the plugin conflict with any FontAwesome icons? I submitted a bug report to Bubble since one of my icons wasn’t being displayed (FA’s sign out icon) and Bubble support identified Table/Grid as the cause. I switched it out for a similar icon that appears just fine, but I was curious to see if this was a common occurrence.

Uncheck the “Include Font Awesome library” option on your table, this seems to be the cause of icons not displaying.

@sydney22 yes @thando is right. Do you think I should not load the library by default? This library is only needed for the ‘icons in cells‘ feature

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Perfect! Thanks @thando and @thimo! It was simple enough for me to uncheck the boxes and it also seemed to only affect a select few icons. If it’s more work than it’s worth I think it’s ok to leave it.

Hey @Thimo,

I’ve got buttons set up in my tables. For some reason, I now have to click three times for them to activate. The debugger is not showing any workflow activation until the third click. I’m on the latest release so is this some sort of regression?


Hi Treb!

I am not seeing this behavior. I will send you a PM so we can take a better look at the issue :slight_smile:

I’m having a problem with tables not loading if I have a data source w/ regex. I can work around it, but is this a common occurrence?

@sydney22 Regex should work. Could it be that your regex messes up the data you are using? If you could send me a PM with an editor link (that I can edit) than I can see what’s going on :slight_smile:

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Solved it- it was the regex itself acting up, which is strange because I’ve used it for about a year.

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I have a bit of a conundrum from my re-render post a little while ago. When I re-render and then check a checkbox, the table’s clicked row/cell popup is triggered. My use case calls for a delete icon to appear when a checkbox is checked, but it won’t do it after a re-render. Is there a way to still show the icon and prevent the popup from appearing when a checkbox is checked?

This should not happen, so I will look into it! In the meantime, you could create a conditional for this I think. You have access to the clicked cell’s value, and that is probably empty when this happens (or you can look at the other states, maybe there is something useful there as well) :slight_smile:

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