New Plugin: ipiphy extension - IP Geolocation Data

Hello Bubble Makers,

We have created a new plugin that works with ipiphy bubble plugin to get users IP Geolocation data like Country, City, State, and more…

Find the plugin Click here
Plugin demo page Click here

Mo Salama
Founder of I2B | Ideas to Business
More Bubble Plugins
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What happened to the original one Moe?

im in the uk but it shows

Your visiting from 20850 Irving Rd, Chanute, KS 66720, USA

We love your city London


Could you check again?

It still there but has no Geolocation data feature

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all good now

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useful plugin

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I am not able to see the get current user’s ip address option. How am I supposed to gather the ip address for the parameter. spent like an hour trying to figure out. Please help.

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@sohaan_gd You have to have bubble ipiphy plugin to be able to get the user IP. Add the bubble plugin first. Then you should be able to get the current user’s ip address.

Your plugin pulls in the IP of an address in New York. I’m guessing a Bubble server location. Any suggestions/fixes?

@peter8 Thanks for using our plugin. Please visit our demo page for validation.

You should get the user IP using bubble ipiphy plugin and map it as shown:

  1. I have the plugin.
  2. I have the api key in it.
  3. I have followed every step on a video tutorial on youtube available that demonstrates how to use this plugin. Did everything but for the life of me I cant find that option get user’s ip on dropdown for get data from api option
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@sohaan_gd Select “Get data from an external API” then you will find “Get current user’s API address”

Sir I have done exactly that, im not new to bubble.

Great! I’m happy to help. Do you have this other plugin installed? If not, could you please install it in addition to our plugin.

Then, Select “Get data from an external API” then you will find “Get current user’s API address”

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Ipiphy by bubble plugin has been deprecated!

Here is what you need to do:

  1. You can easily set up an API call on the client side to retrieve the user’s IP address. Here is a screenshot showing how to configure it.
    API Call URL:
  2. Once you have the user’s IP address, you can then integrate it into our plugin for seamless functionality.

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still not able to see the “Get Current user’s IP address” …

The API name could be anything it doesn’t matter.

Select Get data from an external API > then you will find it listed.