[New Plugin] Notion-like Rich Text Editor

Hey @sina
Thanks for your comment.
Unfortunately, this plugin is saving the data as JSON. Means that it outputs something like that :

{“time”:1656777163917,“blocks”:[{“id”:“qfM5J1HiGY”,“type”:“header”,“data”:{“text”:“Welcome to the Notion-like Rich Text Editor !”,“level”:1},“tunes”:{“footnotes”:,“textVariant”:“”,“alignmentTune”:{“alignment”:“left”}}}

Of you try to display this in a text, it won’t render something easily readable by humans.

Instead of displaying plain text, you may want to display this data in an EditorJS but with the “Read-only” mode enabled.
This will display the data you saved to your users without them being able to interact with.
Hope you understand, and if not, tell me what I could explain better ! :slight_smile:

Have a nice day,

New update 04/07/2022

  • The inline-toolbar is now available for Heading blocks.

Thanks for sharing. I understand the current functionality, I’m just disappointed that you’ve shipped this premium feature without complying with bubble’s basic standards (that a input’s value should be presentable in a text element).

Equally disappointed at you for not prioritising something as primitive as that, and at Bubble for not enforcing higher quality standards for plugin submissions.

Can I do anything to help you?

I understand what you mean.
The problem is that a text element… basically only accept text.
How would you want to display a table inside a text element ?
The main reason I built this plugin is because it is not possible to display such blocks in text elements.

Maybe I’m missing what you mean, but this way of thinking would hugely constraint Bubble’s possibilities that are bring by the plugins.

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bb code.

Has the export to dox / docx feature been added to this plugin?

What about toggle blocks ?

What about warnings ?

What about buttons ?

What about checkboxes ?

What about footnotes / comments like those ?

I don’t think it is possible.
Why do you absolutely want to display it in a text ? What is the problem with the read-only mode ?

Hi @phrase9
I’ll add it to my feature list.
I’ll keep you updated!

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New update 05/07/2022

  • You may now define background-color and font-color for inline code, which was not possible before.


New update 05/07/2022 :

  • You are now able to customize the checkboxes & their color and border-color.
    Check this example :


New update 06/07/2022 :

  • You are now able to customize Raw HTML colors : font-color and background-color.


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New update 06/07/2022 :

  • The delimiter is now fully customizable. You may configure its content, its color and its font-size. Take a look at the screenshot !


Have a nice day!


I’m sorry, but this plugin is totally amazing and I think you do not get the point of it… You can’t say that you’re disappointed by the dev… It provides a miriad of features not included in bubble AND for people using external databases (such as Xano) for legal reasons, this plugins stores your data exactly like bubble would…

My suggestion to you would be to go with a plugin based on ckeditor5… Someone made one recently after the subject was raised in another post. Many features like editorjs… Buttttt… you’ll oftenl have to use the same method to display the content (with the plugin in read-only mode)


New update 07/07/2022 :

  • You are now able to fully customize the “Quote” block by specifying border-color, border width and border radius. So you can give the Quote element any style you’d like to have.


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Any chance we can get Office 365 and app.powerbi.com sites added to the allowed list for iframe sites? I can see a lot of potential for corporate embeds here. I’d be happy to test a prototype version as my app uses Microsoft auth and I have many sites that could be used for testing.

I could also see the same for Google Workplace sites, Slack, etc., as well.

Hi @treb.gatte
Thanks for posting here.
I could add it. Do you mind if we continue this conversation in DMs ?

Sure! Also, does this support the new responsive design?

For sure it does !
I send you a PM

Hi all !
Special update today.
Im introducing custom workflows with Editor.js !
The goal is to be able to bind an Editor.js Button Component with Bubble Wokrflows, so that you can perform any action when a user clicks an Editor.js button.
At the moment, all the buttons will trigger the same workflow. You now have an option to disable the opening of a new tab when the button is clicked (whether there is a link or not behind the button).
This is an experimental feature suggested by @Future .
I’ll try to improve it soon !

ezgif.com-gif-maker (1)

Hope you’ll like it!