[New Template] Introducing the Protomakr Mobile App Template

Good afternoon Bubblers!

We’re pleased to announce our very first template on the bubble marketplace: The Protomakr Mobile App Template!

Marketplace page: https://bubble.io/template/protomakr-mobile-app-template-1600099550525x915402012040626200

We found ourselves being asked by clients pretty frequently to help them create mobile applications using bubble. Unfortunately, bubble’s editor doesn’t play well with a true mobile-app feel by default. Over the past few months, we’ve come up with a few neat tricks to help remedy this behavior.

Now, we’re happy to announce that we’ve bundled these tricks up into a clean and easy-to-implement mobile application template! With this template, you don’t have to worry about the complicated details. Creating your mobile app is as easy as customizing the views you want your users to see!

A couple neat features:

  • Full native app-like experience - Includes a header, a home screen with a tab menu, and nested views
  • Device-responsive - Designed for screen widths down to 300px and devices of any height - >99% of modern smartphones!
  • Back-button support - Device back buttons will cause the app to navigate to the previous view, just like a native app
  • Animated transitions - Opening a new view displays a clean animation for a native-app feel

And much more!

We also made sure that all the niceties that are often missing from templates are there: Well-named elements, color-coded workflows, privacy rules, and even a full instructions page telling you how you can modify the template to suit your needs. Our goal is to help you create quality mobile apps without wasting your time.

Unconvinced? Check out our template demo:

Hope you like it! Feel free to reach out with any suggestions or comments!


The Build on bubble watermark overrides the 3rd tab on my phone :frowning:

Some more suggestions: add swipes as tab gestures

Thanks for the suggestions! We’re aware of the bubble watermark overriding the third tab, and we agree it hinders the demonstration of the app. Unfortunately bubble’s “Template” plan for the app does not remove that watermark, so there isn’t much we can do to solve it unless they change this. One thing you can do is to view the app in your browser, click the tab, then shrink the window to be mobile size. This will at least give you a feel for the look of the app.

To your second suggestion, that is a good idea, and one that would help with the first issue. We will look into this and see if it is something that is feasible as part of a template, or whether it is best left to the wrapping process.

Thanks for commenting!

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