Not able to preview my project


I have being building a webapp, following tutorials whenever needed. After finishing a page, I went to preview it. But clicking the preview button does nothing. The button changes color when I hover the cursor over it, but clicking it does nothing.
Really confused here. I cant seem to find anyone else having the issue.
I have created a few databases, no real workflow. Just designed the page and trying to see how it comes up.

any one know what’s going on?


Did you try to refresh the whole page then clicking Preview once again ? Also are you trying to preview your “index” page ?

I did refresh the page, tried restarting the browser, restarting the computer.
are index pages not able to show preview? Also, it doesn’t work for other pages too.
I did get to the preview page from the main home dashboard of bubble.

So I kinda got it working, but not the way it was supposed to work ig

Glad it finally worked !

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