Oct 4: Biweekly Community Poll

Biweekly Community Poll

(that means alternating weeks)

What was your favorite announcement during BubbleCon 2024?

  • Native Mobile
  • Editor & Workflow updates
  • AI 10 min MVP builder
  • Flust acquisition
0 voters

Comment below if your favorite isn’t one of the 4 listed!

NOTE: it’s called Flusk, not Flust. Weird typo, my bad!

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Workflow updates, but mostly once looping and to a certain extent branching/parallel processing are supported. The current changes are only a slight upgrade IMO.

Creating a list of things has always been a pain in Bubble.

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Who would have ever thought that the announcement of an “if statement” would get applause. :laughing: For those not there, that’s what happened.


I think I’m not understanding the ‘if statement’ concept. I always taught people to view a condition as an if statement since grammatically we can say ‘if it is raining’, or ‘when it is raining’ and those essentially mean the same thing and conditions in bubble start with ‘do when’…is the ‘if statement’ excitement in that we’d be able to see two branches created for when it is true and when it is not true?

I think it’s safe to assume that it will work similar to conditions that lead to different custom events but instead of having to edit custom events as seperate WFs, we can visualize them in the same WF. Actually this would be better since I already have tons of WFs doing this and it will be great if the WF editor automatically translates them to IFs


Yes, visual if branching rather than triggering two custom events that are hard to track and follow

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thank you all for casting your votes! Mobile winning is not much of a surprise :smiley: