On-demand Restaurant Delivery - New PRO template from Anocado

Hey Bubblers,

Our team is excited to unveil “Burgero”, a template that merges the finest of on-demand delivery functionalities with a sleek, modern online restaurant.

:link: Link to the Marketplace page of the template: On-demand Restaurant Delivery “Burgero”
:link: Link to the Demo page of the template: On-demand Food Delivery “Burgero”

:tada:Key Highlights:

:heavy_check_mark: Sleek Responsiveness: Engineered with the latest responsive techniques, ensuring a seamless restaurant checkout experience on every device.
:heavy_check_mark: Secure Transactions: Benefit from native Stripe integration for safe and swift checkouts.
:heavy_check_mark: Minimalistic Design: A sophisticated UX/UI design that’s not only modern but also user-centric, ensuring customers navigate with ease.
:heavy_check_mark: Versatile Login: Dual login features accommodate both customers and restaurant administrators.

:iphone: For the Customer:

:heavy_check_mark: Effortless Meal search using intuitive text search.
:heavy_check_mark: Advanced sorting & filtering of the search results by price range, category, rating, and more.
:heavy_check_mark: An elegant product details page that showcases food items in their best light.
:heavy_check_mark: Effortless ‘add to cart’ and a streamlined checkout process.
:heavy_check_mark: A clear and concise dashboard for tracking created orders and viewing purchase history.
:heavy_check_mark: Recommendations for the online restaurant customers

:computer: For the Store Owner (Admin):

:heavy_check_mark: An intuitive admin dashboard with key insights and complete sales history.
:heavy_check_mark: Efficient product management, listing, discount application and updating.
:heavy_check_mark: Tools to oversee and manage order statuses, from processing to delivery.

In essence, this template embodies the spirit of modern food delivery platform, offering a harmonious blend of style and functionality, all wrapped up in a minimalistic design.

:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: Disclaimer:

This template is delivered “as is” and comes only with general Bubble documentation.
Development assistance, support and special documentation is not included.

:man_mechanic: Customization:

Please reach out to us at anocado.info@gmail.com, if you need help customizing this template. We will be happy to help you customize the template or with any other development projects. We will customize and support this template on regular terms for sales of development services.

:grey_question: Questions:

If you have questions and bugs to report, contact us by email at anocado.info@gmail.com.

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