Hey folks – sorry for all the pain on this, I know this kind of situation is maddening. Yes, it is unpkg. We haven’t been able to find a status page link from them to share (we saw the unpkg twitter link to https://status.flyio.net/ a while back, and that service has been reporting issues, so maybe unpkg relies on them, but we are not 100% sure). Seems to be going in and out.
We don’t have a list of plugins that rely on unpkg, because it can be referenced from anywhere in the plugin code, but we see errors with calls to unpkg urls. This URL is the one we see failing the most often, if it rings any bells for people: https://unpkg.com/@lottiefiles/lottie-player@2.0.4/dist/lottie-player.js
(The reason our status page has the vague comment about plugins is that our team that gotten woken up by our alerting early this morning was able to isolate that it was a 3rd party plugin problem by confirming that loading pages with &bubble_no_third_party_plugins=true made the issue go away, but it’s been tricky to confirm exactly which plugins are broken. I’m updating the status page now to point to this forum post)
Anyway, really sorry to everyone who’s had a shitty start to their day because of this issue, we’re going to continue to keep an eye on things and share if we learn anything else that’s useful.