Sudden extreme page load slowdown

Since about an hour ago I’ve noticed the pages of our bubble webapp are loading in extremely slow. Pages that usually takes 2-5s are loading in at upwards of 2min.

We’ve made no changes, this just started suddenly.

Tried different devices, browsers, clearing cookies, etc.

I’m in contact with support to try and figure out what’s going on.

Anyone else seeing similar scenarios?

Just tested with a test app, nothing out of the ordinary.

Have you tried opening the Network tab of DevTools, and having a look if there’s any specific asset that’s slow to load?

Is it just one page, or all pages in the app?


me too

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All of our pages were affected for around an hour or two. The network tab showed no assets loading in when this was the case. While a page that normally loads in under 2s was loading for 2 min+.

At one point we were also hit with a default Bubble error ‘Your browser was unable to load the application data […]’.

Slowdown seems to have occurred in proportion to the page size (but even small pages loaded in much slower).

When it first occurred, I also noticed (but no other website) was loading slow.

My guess would be some type of server/infrastructure hiccup or issue on Bubble’s side. We’re in Europe so maybe this was region-specific.

Could be, but if you’re on a shared server it’s all served from the US, so region shouldn’t really matter in terms of Bubble’s uptime (but of course local networks could be slowing it down some other way).

You can check whenever you’re experiencing an issue to see if it’s a known hiccup (you can also subscribe to alert emails). I see there have been some minor issues in the last week, not sure how that aligns time-wise with your outage.

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True about the shared servers. I was thinking it might’ve been connected to Bubble’s Cloudflare structure/setup/caching/routing. Noticed there was some Cloudflare caching issue on Nov 21. Long shot though, since the symptoms aren’t really matching.

Yeah, I normally go to, but nothing appeared there this time (same for Cloudflare’s status).

Anyway, hopefully it was a one-off type deal. Doesn’t seem like many other Bubble users reported anything similar.

Yeah this happens every once in a while randomly. In my experience it precedes some Bubble update.

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That’s interesting, good observation. Maybe that is what is behind it.

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