Pagination in table...Coming soon?

Hello Bubble community,

I’m working on an app that relies heavily on displaying data in various tables, and as you can imagine, managing performance and user experience is crucial. A few weeks ago, I recall Bubble mentioning that native table pagination was in the works and could potentially be released by the end of the year.

Given this, I’ve been holding off on implementing a custom pagination solution, hoping to leverage the native feature once it’s available. However, as my app grows and the tables become more data-intensive, I’m starting to feel the pressure to take action now.

Has anyone heard any updates on this feature? Should I wait a bit longer for its release, or would it be wiser to start implementing a custom pagination setup now? Any insights, tips, or suggestions from those in the same boat would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help! :blush:


I second this. Right now the custom version of this works but can be a bit clunky.


wouldn’t hold your breathe - I’d just build the custom pagination (I still prefer repeating groups over the table as I think the table is still very beta and lacking critical features like pagination so I never use it)


I agree, bubble was supposed to be released at the end of the year, but for the moment it’s just silence. Hoping that bubble respects their word. in the meantime I recommend custom pagination because there is no security at the moment even if bubble had spoken about it.


I would also recommend to re-do the work with a repeating group. You have so much more flexibility and control over everything. Even if they release pagination (which I highly doubt) than the table element is still crap.

Btw creating pagination with rg is a thing of 15 minutes…

Edit: this is a starting example of how to get it done easily. There might be little mistake if I recall correctly but it easy fixable. How to add a pagination feature to a Table Element in Bubble ? - Nocodable

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the tuto from Nocodable is great but still take some time to implement…Having something natuv would be timesaver

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I could ask around for an update on this. Where did you see this mentioned?

thank you @fede.bubble for your feedback. It has been said in June’s Product Sesh 32:31.
I hope that something is coming near as all the community is needing it.

create a reuseable element for the pagination of repeating groups… saves so much time to be able to just add a pager to any repeating group and not have to build it every time

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i am counting on the Bubble team to deliver something

@fede.bubble any update on this ?

No updates on this yet, sorry :frowning_face:

ok, thanks @fede.bubble for your feedback. dont hesitate to informe us if something comes new