I want to have parallax effect on the desktop site. But the image has to be a stripe since i need it across the full width of browser. On a stripe the parallax option isnt available. How to accomplish this ?
If you set the page background as image it’s also screenwide, so you should be good. That’s where the parallax effect is applied to.
@emmanuel I’m trying to achieve this effect: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/music/groove-music-pass
But the suggested approach I can add only one image in the background
Can you suggest how can a page similar to this groove music be created on bubble ?
I don’t see any parallax effect at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/music/groove-music-pass
I just noticed that the pages on Microsoft edge (has parallax) and chrome for that site are different… I’ve attached 3 screenshots… not sure how else to show this to you
2: On scrolling a little
3: on further scrolling
I think what you need is to put the image in the background, apply parallax, and then use some stripes. Why don’t you start on the forum_app and then we see how that goes/modify to help?