How can I achieve a parallax effect scrolling without the ‘Add Stripe’ functionality?
That’s complicated in bubble right now, but you could find some alternative and creative ways. Like using a floating group that’s in the background and have another transparent group that contains the scrolling content.
What if you just activate the parallax feature? It doesn’t need stripe to work.
thanks @emmanuel
I have activated the parallax effect feature, but here is my issue now… when I set the background as an image and expand the height of the page to something like 4,000+ pixels, the image background is zoomed-in as it is fully stretched to fit the specified dimensions.
How can I set the background as an image and keep the original size? i’d like to change the background as it reaches a scroll point of the page.
Any update on this @emmanuel? I was wondering if there is an ability to add multiple background images for the paralax effect for really long pages like a landing page?
No update there