I am looking for the possibility to pass data from an API query from a normal workflow to an API workflow. For me only the standard and database data types are displayed. Can someone tell me how I can solve this problem?
Neerja, could this be considered as a feature?
This could add a lot of processing functionality, if we could actually pass to API workflow data types that are returned from [external] API calls rather than only the types we manually create in Bubble?
I thought I was going mad(er) when I discovered this recently.
So I do an API call in my Workflow Step 1. Then I want to kick off a Backend Workflow passing in the results of Step 1 but I just couldn’t find it.
I can store it on the Database … but that is not quite what I want.
I have this use case in my app.
When you initialise an API as an action, bubble creates new kind of data type for the response which is often a nested JSON type of data.
You can create an attribute in your table that is of one of those data types, commit the response into that attribute, and kick off a workflow to read it and parse it out as a list or whatever.