PDF Conjurer (updated free plugin, now saving to database)

Regarding the current functionality:
Is it possible to upload the pdf to box?

Not directly, but you can upload to Bubble normal storage (S3) and then possibly to Box somehow.

Yeah, usually people go with individual sponsoring, like if they want a specific feature they just sponsor it and get it done. For bigger projects, like the “Native app conjurer” plugin people do crowdfunding and it’s going on fine.
Smaller crowdfunding campaigns have happened but haven’t succeeded so far :neutral_face:

But as you said, there are a lot of improvements that could be done on the PDF Conjurer.

Hey Vini,

Awesome plug-in! And your documentation is top-notch! Apologies for all the questions but this plugin really could allow me to build an MVP I’ve been so excited to build but didn’t know how to get over the technical bits.

I’m looking to create a custom magazine, where I’ll have, say a bank of 80 possible A4 pages (which are high resolution JPEG/PNG images stored in the Bubble db), but the pages that are actually processed into the PDF will depend on some inputs, so I may only end up with 50 images/pages being included.

How would I do this? Create a Custom Flow, then ‘Insert image’ with a Dynamic Image set to ‘Current Workflow’s Image’? And then trigger that Custom Flow for how ever many pages like the below? Would that put all pages into one PDF? Or would it make say 50 separate PDFs, with one imager per PDF file?

Also, any way you could add the option for an image to have a hyperlink if someone clicks it?

And not sure if your demo page is working (https://sdfsfsdfsdf.bubbleapps.io/other_wf_example?debug_mode=true)? Clicking ‘Conjure’ runs a workflow but no PDF is generated?

Thanks so much Vini and have a great one! :smiley:

Yep, do this (:

Yep, this is what will happen (:

Not currently, but with an improvement that feature can be created.

Right now I have a few people crowd-sponsoring an upgrade on this plugin, if that feature is needed for you and your current budget could to chip in with ~$50, then send me a private message to jump into the wagon to the powerful plugins land (:

Ah, live version is outdated, check version test instead https://sdfsfsdfsdf.bubbleapps.io/version-test/other_wf_example?debug_mode=true

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Thanks so much Vini! :smiley:

Will give it a go and get back to you re the upgrade as well.

Have a great one!

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Hi, the creation and download of the PDF in the development version, works fine, but in the live version it doesn´t work.

Does anyone knows why is this happening?

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face: :computer:

Can’t tell for sure, try debugging what’s passed as values in the dev version and then what’s passed in the live version, there you’ll find the difference.

Now it works. The problem was that I was inserting an image on the PDF but the field of the image was empty. I put a conditional to solve it. Thanks :grinning: :computer:

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Dear all,
I have one question, I used the plugin but it did not work the first time I tried to create the pdf, but it always work the second time.
Do you have any idea of the problem and how to solve it?

Is it using images? If so, can you try without images? (:

Hi Vini,

Thanks for a great plugin!

I have been creating a lengthy PDF and it was working perfectly until the very end, but just now I started receiving this error: image

I tried removing the elements which might have caused it and tried again with the set of elements that I am 100% sure I saw working before, but the error continues to pop up.

Interestingly, the PDF is still created and stored in the DB (although a lot slower). Any idea how to fix this?

Somehow I managed to copy/paste the elements at the start of the workflow - before the “Start PDF generator”. I missed that initially since I have 90+ steps in the workflow… it works now.

Seeing an issue with multi column where the right side is running off the page. I’ve tried every combination of “Fit available space” and “Fit content” for the main table settings (at the top) and the multi column setting at the bottom. “Fit content” does what’s expected, shrinking the tables down to fit the contents, but “Fit available space” is running the right table off the page. Has anyone seen this issue before?

If I change the document size from LETTER to LEGAL (landscape, same as before) it fits perfectly while adhering to the custom margins (10 on all sides). So it seems like “Fit available space” is assuming LEGAL landscape width regardless of the page size selected?

When I load only one image, everything works fine. But, if I put a second image, I can’t download the pdf anymore.
Someone could help me, please??

I found theses errors when I pressed F12…

Try to change the name of the image on the pdf conjure process.

I’ve already changed the both picture’s name (and they’re different too)…

I noticed that if I don’t run in debug mode it works just once. I need refresh the page to be able to download again

Hi, how can I make a pdf from a Rich Text Editor and have the markdown text read correctly?

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face: :computer:

@hacker Hello! Currently you can’t, that’s a possible future improvement.

Ohh, okay. Thanks @vini_brito.

Will a possible future improvement be also to have different fonts the pdf?